Thursday, October 24, 2013

State Subsidies and Control

Is it possible to have state subsidies without state control?  No.  Whenever the state gives out money in the form of a subsidy, it expects something in return.  The funny thing about it all is that the government does not make money.  It steals from everyone through taxes and then tries to “be nice” and give some back but with a whole bunch of strings attached.  For instance, the state provides “free public education.”  What is annoying about this is that it is all paid for by taxes.  Some people pay a lot more to support it than others.  In return, the state promises to educate all children, leaving no one behind and unlearned.  The problem with it is that the state can then control all thought processes and teaching/indoctrination and parents no longer are the main providers of that information.  The state controls what is taught, how it is taught, which curriculum to use, etc. and all students are forced to learn in the same way.  This is not the most sufficient or efficient way to teach children.  Nor does it really teach every child because everyone learns differently.  This is pretty much the same formula for every subsidy.  You want government help?  Here, take it but only if you are willing to give up a lot of control over yourself and your family.  So the best way to stay free is to not take the “free” handouts.  There is no such thing as a “free lunch.”

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