Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Run Up a Steep Hill

Thanks to my mom, I have now realized that attempting to run up a really steep hill 10 times is really hard.  The reason my mom made me do such torture was because I was being a moody brat (like Bella from Twilight).  So Mom got mad at me and said, "Alli, if you backtalk me once more, you're going to run up the hill 10 times."  Boy am I sore now!
Note to self: Don't tick off mom. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zoorastic Park

My Day at the Zoo

     This week my family and I went to the Hogle Zoo.  It was even more fun than usual because it was Zoorastic Park week (or something like that), which means that there were some robotic dinosaurs put on display.  Actually, I think saw more dinosaur exhibits than animal exhibits.

      Well, even though I wanted to stay in the shade most of the time since it was so hot outside, I still learned some really neat information about the animals and the dinosaurs. I read about the Allosaurous, and I found out that Allosaurous means different lizard!  That doesn’t help me at all since my mom calls me “Alli”saurous.  Now, guess what she calls me?
Yep, “different lizard.”

      Some other interesting facts are that orangutan means old man jungle.  Plus, the tiger is the only cat in the world that LOVES water.  My favorite fact is how camels can go without water for 6 months.

      Anyways, it was more fun getting sprayed by a dinosaur and a fake sneezing elephant than reading the signs about the animals.  The dinosaur had a sensor, and when a person walked by, the dinosaur would growl then spray the person with water. I think it sprayed me about 15 times.  The sneezing elephant also had a sensor, and whenever someone stood in front of it the elephant would sneeze on them.

      I enjoyed my day at the Hogle Zoo.  I learned some great, new facts about a few dinosaurs and animals, but my favorite part was getting sprayed by dinosaurs and sneezing elephants.